The Treasure of the Jaguar
Escape game 12+

The Treasure of the Jaguar

2 - 15 people60 minutesAverage
Embark on an adventure into the Mexican jungle in search of the lost jaguar treasure. Join a team of bounty hunters to explore the abandoned corner of Ek Balam. An explorer is wanted. Answer the call of adventure!
Large companyBeginnersWith childrenBeginnersBeginnersLarge company

Not scary
Without actorsActors
EspañolGame language
About the escape room

Mexican virgin forest. The bounty hunting team has made a long journey visiting different archaeological sites until reaching a sacred place: Ek Balam. The locals say that the ancient Mayan civilization revered the jaguar with great respect. And that means a treasure brimming with gold. However, this 1924 camp was abandoned in mysterious circumstances and no one had located its whereabouts. Until now. A company dedicated to the recovery of relics and precious objects is seeking qualified explorers to recover the jaguar's treasure. Will you answer the call to adventure?


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