An ancient legend tells that, centuries ago, the goddess of lust created an object capable of satisfying the hidden pleasures and desires of its holder: The Onyx Idol. Upon completing her creation and satisfying her most ardent desires, the goddess fell into a deep sleep. Over time, this valuable and sought-after object changed locations and owners, fully satisfying each and every one of the fortunate ones who managed to get hold of it. Presently, the servants of the goddess have been warned that their mistress will soon awake from her slumber seeking only to reach ecstasy again. As servants of your goddess, you must locate the Onyx Idol before she wakes, otherwise her anger will be such that she will unleash all her wrath upon you and the rest of the world. For now, the only clue you have seems to lead you to a new elite club where lust, sin, and perdition reign. A club known as Lovely 69 where whatever enters, may end up not leaving.
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