September 23, 3018 (The Prancing Dragon Tavern). Dear friends, as agents of Cronos, you are facing an unparalleled challenge. On this occasion, you will impersonate The Dragon Ring Company. This company should have destroyed the Dragon Ring, or as it is known here: The Dark Lord. But someone or something altered reality and they did not manage to fulfil their mission. The soul of the Dark Lord is linked to the Dragon Ring, which was once forged with the magic of certain elixirs. But that ring was lost and fell into oblivion. However, the ring has been found by our people, and its owner will not rest until it is found. You will have to travel to our world, find a way to ally with the different races, reach Mount Doom with the help of Cronos' portals and free the Dark Lord by destroying the ring so that his soul does not succumb to total darkness. – The Grey Wizard
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