Blue Experience: Entrenched Madrid
Escape game 12+

Blue Experience: Entrenched Madrid

2 - 6 people90 minutesAverage
August 15, 1944. We believe our friend may be held in a German barracks... We must enter their fortress and find Perconte to liberate Paris! We are at war! Escape from the trenches!
BeginnersWith childrenBeginnersBeginnersLarge company

Not scary
Without actorsActors
EspañolGame language
About the escape room

August 15th, 1944 It has been just over 1 month since D-Day. They have captured "Perconte" and we believe he may be being tortured. We fear he may reveal our positions before launching the attack to liberate Paris from German troops. The 101st Airborne Division has just given us information about a barracks where high-ranking German officials remain entrenched. We believe that our friend may be held there... We have managed to decipher an encrypted message and we know they are going to attack Paris today, we have to enter their fortress and find Perconte to use their facilities against them to liberate Paris! We are at war! Escape from the trenches!


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