During World War II, a Nazi embassy arrives in Galicia with the mission of securing wolfram, a mineral highly valued for its uses in weapons manufacturing. In reality, one of these Nazis, Rudolf Von Sebottendorf, a prominent member of the occultist order Thule, pursues an even greater feat than victory in the War. Baron Von Sebottendorf, a believer in the existence of Atlantis noticed that in one of Homer's writings, he places it beyond the pillars of Hercules, one of which is located in A Coruña. Faced with this evidence, the baron prepares an expedition to find the "path" to this legendary continent. 30 years later, only the baron's protege, Alfred Hess, remains obsessed with the chimera of finding the sunken continent. Finally, in his latest investigations, what seemed like the ravings of a madman turns into an unexpected clue... Hess discovers a strange cult to sea gods in a place where people have been disappearing for decades... Animated by this coincidence, Hess will launch Operation "Sunken City", the result of which will be his own disappearance... You have been summoned by a corporation whose name you do not know to investigate these mysterious disappearances, especially that of Alfred. Along the way... find out if he discovered anything more than what he could reveal. Had Hess found Atlantis? Or perhaps something abominable and indescribable...
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